Finance your Piscina Laghetto
The partnership agreement at national level between Fluidra Commerciale Italia, the company that distributes Piscine Laghetto products in Italy, and Santander Consumer Bank Spa, makes available to consumers various credit solutions aimed at the purchase of swimming pools and mini-pools, available at participating Points of Sale located throughout the Peninsula.
At commercial outlets that have an agreement with Santander Consumer Bank it is therefore possible to finalise a financing contract for the purchase of Piscine Laghetto brand products, with personalised financing plans.
The financing contract is signed on presentation of certain documents, such as an identity document and the most recent pay slip or tax declaration. The obligation to repay the capital and pay interest is fulfilled gradually over time through periodic payments (the instalments), the payment of which is usually monthly. The person to whom the loan is granted is also obliged to pay any costs necessary to conclude the contract. The APR (Annual Percentage Rate of Charge) is the index of the overall cost of the special purpose credit agreement and this is what one must refer to when comparing the various loan offers.
Advertisement for promotional purposes. For all contractual and economic conditions, please consult the "Basic European Consumer Credit Information" available from authorised dealers and at www.santanderconsumer.it, Transparency section. Subject to approval by Santander Consumer Bank.
For more information, please contact us.